You are currently viewing the ARCHIVE of the ISCC web site. The information here is no longer being updated, and all new information will be posted on our new site:
ISCC Society Awards
The details of each award, as well as a list of past recipients, can
be found by following the links below. Note
that for the Nickerson Service Award, as well as the Godlove and Macbeth Awards,
it is the intention of the Board of DIrectors to move to a "rolling" submission
process, through which award committees are always receiving nominations. Each
selection process will then be based on the nominations in hand at the time of
the convening of the committee.
We have consolidated the award nomination forms into a single document. Download it here,
print, and send to the ISCC office. Or you can scan the form and email it to us. We hope to get an online form enabled soon.
The recipient of the 2014 Nickerson Award was C. Cameron Miller, and Françoise Viénot
received the 2014 Macbeth Award. In 2015, Anna Campbell Bliss received the Godlove
Award. Congratulations to all! A complete description of the origin, purpose,
and past recipients for all three awards can be found here:
ISCC Honorary Membership
The Council can also recognize significant service by awarding
Honorary Membership to an individual. According to the By-Laws:
"Any person who, as a Council member, has rendered signal service to the Council or to those fields
served by the individual Member-Bodies of the Council, in such a manner as to aid in its accomplishment
the objectives of the council, is eligible for Honorary membership."
If you wish to nominate someone for Honorary Membership, a
form is available for downloading. Here is the list of all Honorary Members.